Friday, September 7, 2007


Imagine if you never left a carbon imprint? If everything you did was organic, freshly grown food from your own garden, cooking from a clay oven in your backyard and began a mission to simply your life. It sounds impossible, and it probably is, but what if it were possible? What if everyone took a moment to step outside themselves and realize that there is more in the world than fancy cars and big supermarkets.

Ruth Ozeki took the time to explore the possibilities in her book “All Over Creation.” Although the book showed the views of many people, the “Seeds of Resistance” really caught my attention. I found myself swept up in their drive and passion for the earth. What if everyone found that same passion? What if everyone drove cars fueled by the excess fast food oils instead of petroleum? That is asking a lot of people, but the results could be huge!

The University of Washington’s farm just celebrated the first burning of their oven. Keith Possee of the biology department worked hard over the summer to create a wood-burning oven that my class had the privilege of baking in. I baked an amazing and healthy organic pizza with a homemade pesto (with organic ingredients from the UW farm) and cheeses. Looking into the oven and watching my very own organic pizza bake was really entertaining. It made me realize how truly amazing it is to create something organic that does not affect the earth in a negative way.

While watching other students, faculty and friends line up to have their pizza’s baked, I couldn’t help but feel a very ‘Seeds of Resistance’ vibe. Nothing we were doing affected the earth in a negative way, and I couldn’t help but feel that the characters in the novel (if they were non-fictional) would be incredibly proud of the proactive actions of the bakers and farmers at the UW farm.

Hopefully one day I’ll be able to follow in the footprints of those who have left a very small carbon imprint.

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